22.4.2009 | 21:34
Leištogafundur į laun
Hugrenningar Fidels Castro, sem reynir aš komast aš žvķ hvaš var veriš aš tala um į leištogafundi Samtaka Amerķkurķkja ķ Port of Spain į Trinidad, žar sem Kśbu var ekki bošiš (į ensku):
... We had been led to hope that the meeting would not be secret, but those running the show deprived us of that interesting intellectual exercise. We hear about the substance but not the tone of voice, the look in the eyes or the facial look that can be a reflection of a persons ideas, ethic and character.
A Secret Summit is worse than a silent movie. For a few minutes the television shows some images. A gentleman on Obamas left whom I could not identify as he laid his hand on Obamas shoulder, like an eight-year-old boy on a classmate in the front row. Then, another member of his entourage standing beside him interrupted the president of the United States for a dialogue; those coming up to address him had the appearance of an oligarchy that never knew what hunger is and who expect to find in Obamas powerful nation the shield that will protect the system from the fearsome social changes.
A bizarre atmosphere prevailed at the Summit. The artistic surrounding arranged by the host was spectacular. I have seldom seen something like it; perhaps never. A good announcer, apparently a Trinitarian, had proudly said that it was unique.
It was a feast of culture and luxury. I meditated about it. I calculated the cost of all that and suddenly I realized that no other country in the Caribbean could afford such a display, that the venue of the summit is very wealthy, a sort of United States surrounded by small poor countries. Could Haiti with its exuberant culture or Jamaica, Granada, Dominica, Guyana, Belize or any other have hosted such a luxurious summit? Their beaches may be wonderful but they are not surrounded by the towers that distinguish the Trinitarian landscape and accumulate with that non-renewable raw material the enormous resources that sustain today the riches of that country. Almost every other island in the Caribbean community is directly battered by the hurricanes of increasing intensity that hit our sister islands of the Caribbean region every year.
Did anyone in that meeting remember that Obama promised to invest as much money as necessary to make the United States self-reliant in fuel? Such a policy would directly affect many of the States taking part in the meeting since they will not have access to the technologies and the huge investments required to work on that area or any other.
It is 19:58 hours. I just hear some words of President Hugo Chavez. Apparently, the Venezolana Television introduced a camera in the Secret Summit and carried some of his words. Yesterday we saw him graciously return Obamas gesture as he walked up to greet him, unquestionably a clever gesture of the United States president. Now, Chavez stood up from his chair, walked to Obamas seat at the head of a rectangular hall near Michelle Bachelet, and presented him with the well known book by Galeano, Las venas abiertas de America Latina, updated by the author. I simply mentioned the time it was when I listened to him.
Then it was announced that the Summit will be closed tomorrow at noon.
P.S. Eduardo Galeano: Las venas abiertas de America Latina (Opnar ęšar Latnesku Amerķku).
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