20.6.2011 | 12:06
Yfirlýsing ráđstefnu norrćnna vináttufélaga Kúbu (á ensku)
We, the 22 delegates from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Ireland at the 23rd Northern European Meeting of Cuba Solidarity organisations, held in Gothenburg 18-19 June, agree to continue denouncing the unjust detention in U.S. prisons of the Five Cuban antiterrorist fighters. The Cuban Five were imprisoned for preventing terrorist actions planned from U.S. territory.
We demand an end to the double standards and hypocrisy of the U.S. government and urge them to immediately release the Cuban Five. Instead they must put the real terrorists in prison. They are the ones who have committed a series of terrorist attacks aimed at Cuba and yet they are free to walk the streets of Miami.
We will not rest until justice is done and the Cuban Five return to their homeland!
Gothenburg, Sweden, June 19th, 2011
We demand an end to the double standards and hypocrisy of the U.S. government and urge them to immediately release the Cuban Five. Instead they must put the real terrorists in prison. They are the ones who have committed a series of terrorist attacks aimed at Cuba and yet they are free to walk the streets of Miami.
We will not rest until justice is done and the Cuban Five return to their homeland!
Gothenburg, Sweden, June 19th, 2011
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